Genius Hour

So me and Leigha have had to change things up a bit. We found out that another group is doing the same project as us and now we’re searching for a new topic to do. Yeah, We still could carry on and maybe tag along but a project is more fun when you or your group were creative and came up with it so we are on the search for a brand new topic. So far, we’re trying to make a list of what we like and see if we can get anything out of that. It’s not working out too well. Some of the stuff me and Leigha put down were a bit similar but not good enough or able to make a new topic. It’s been really hard right now to think. I don’t know what we’re gonna do. Hopefully, a topic will pop out soon but who knows when that’s gonna happen.Untitled image

Lab: Ecosystems @ School

In our lab, we observe and describe how different environments like microhabitats in schoolyards support different variaties of organisms. In my microhabitat, we had pine cones, leaves, a few blades of grass, and pine needles. Our habitat only showed signs of insects but not of any wildlife. What I learn is that most habitats, you will find a lot of wildlife and a lot of habitats, but with my environment I only saw the smallest of habitats and not a lot of life inside the small stringed area.

History of Mobberly Baptist Church

As known today, Mobberly Baptist Church is a place that leads all people into a life changing, ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ.The most obvious question of all is what is the history of Mobberly Baptist Church?
Starting at 1945,Mobberly purchased land on Mobberly Avenue calling itself Mobberly Avenue Baptist Church. The church was vibrate and growing and I think was a huge success. Then,in 1977, Mobberly purchased property at the intersection of Loop 281 and Eastman Road and began meeting at Longview High School as a second location.Mobberly is still at that same location today. In 1980,The church began starting its Vietnamese services to local people. 1981- the church officially changed its name to Mobberly Baptist Church.Then in 1993, the youth building,Elevation,was created and established. After a few years, 2003, Dr Johnson, former pastor of Mobberly Baptist Church, retired and in 2007 Dr Glynn Stone Jr, became new Senior pastor of Mobberly Baptist Church.2012- elementary building, The Bridge, was created and established. Mobberly is still thriving today and is becoming a real place of worship for God!

A Strong Hero

He is strong,caring,and helpful! That hospital room might have been gloomy within the Ipad camera but I knew my grandfather was strong.I never forget the day I got a call saying I’m back. My hero is my grandfather, Papa.

Papa is caring! He will always cheer you up when you are down. I remember that time when my dad was on a business trip for a literally long time but yet Papa was the one to cheer me up. He is the one that is uplifting.

Papa’s the helpful one! He was the one that brought the over 400 band-aids project to life. Although it wasn’t just him ,his whole church congregation help all within his wise words. I remember we were going to the big park in Florida and I was 3 years old. I was so excited running as fast as I possibly could and fell scraping my knee. My mom put on the bandage but he was the one to kiss my knee.

Papa’s strong in the heart! I’ll never forget it! I was running to my house excited to see my family, but as soon as I walked walked in, all I saw were gloomy faces. “Dad! What happened?”. That’s when I saw the Ipad. There was my grandfather sitting in a hospital bed. I started to scream for him. “Don’t worry Kaylah ! Calm down. I’m going to be fine! God sitting right next to me in this bed!” My eyes started welling up with tears. I just couldn’t hold it in. He is the strongest person I know.

So now you know. Gloomy rooms,exciting moments are all in the past. He still lives today in Plantation, Florida where I was born, and I just can’t wait to see him again!